02 October 2006

Conference, Sketchy Restaurants, and Drunk Kisses

For those who are interested in how General Conference works in different time zones, here’s a quick sketch of how it works for us: on Saturday, we went to the stake centre in Versailles, and we watched the RS broadcast from the week before at 4 pm our time, then at 6 watched the live streaming of Saturday AM session. On Sunday, the men go in to watch the recorded priesthood session at 11 am, then at 2 pm everyone watches the recorded Saturday PM. Then you get 2 hours to eat (or in my case, go to stake choir practice in French. Hah, that was interesting) and then we watched Sunday AM live at 6. Next Sunday becomes Fast Sunday, and for the first two hours of church we’ll watch the recorded Sunday PM and then have a brief fast and testimony meeting.

On Saturday after conference we went into Paris and ate dinner at a sketchy Greek restaurant (we didn’t realize how sketchy it was until after we’d ordered) that was quite funny. Behind me was the backside of a naked Greek statue, and I noticed that not many people looked at me during the meal – it must have been too distracting. The food was okay, nothing special, but it was cheep. And our ice cream desert came in little paper packets. Esther (one of my friends) got escargot (in a Greek restaurant!?) and we all tried it, including me, Mom! You’d be proud! It tasted like dirt, but maybe that was the dirt that was in it. Hmm.

Trying to find the metro, we ran into a few drunk French youth. They told us they were drunk and we saw them with some beer so I’m guessing it was true. (The French are naturally reserved, so in my experience, when they get drunk they get very friendly and flirty, not violent.) It was very funny, and one fellow (probably 16-17?) asked me to go to a “discothèque” with him (dance hall) but I had to decline.  He wouldn’t let me take his picture since he claimed he was a huge model and had to protect his image (but he wasn’t a model. He was attractive, though, for a 16 year old!) but he offered to kiss me instead. I was a little worried he’d just plop one on me, so he clarified: kiss my cheeks in the French fashion. So yes, I got kissed in France by a strange Frenchman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting that people go out dancing to a dance hall in France. When G'pa Jack and Mardee were young, the big thing to do was to go dancing at the dance halls. It isn't very common anymore here. Apparently it is still a thing to do in France.